Able (Find Your Voice Asia) helps individuals find their diamond within & grow beyond the ego in order to find peace within & with others.

CEOs might run the show, but they can’t do it alone. There’s a big difference between being a visionary and being an executor; a CEO depends on qualified people to execute their vision and make it a reality. To be successful, CEOs must communicate that vision in a way that inspires others to work toward achieving it.

Below, 11 members of Forbes Coaches Council share their best advice to help CEOs motivate those whom they rely upon to bring their big ideas to life: their people.

1. Tell The Story Of The Future

Tell the story of the future for people to embrace. A pitfall I’ve seen many CEOs fall into is to challenge the current status quo, which makes people become entrenched and resistant. Instead, help employees see that the current narrative served a purpose. Elevate your gaze and tell the bigger story that cuts across old boundaries and limits. In shifting your perspective, you will enable others to do the same. – Sheila Goldgrab,Goldgrab Leadership Coaching

2. Use A Team Profiling Tool To Ensure Diversity

Surround yourself with a diverse team made up of people who irritate you with their attention to detail and their ability to respectfully reality-check your inspiring vision. To check for this diversity, use an established team profiling tool to make sure that there is a mix of personalities, learning styles and team roles. – Dr. John Blakey, The Trusted Executive Foundation

3. Find People With A Similar Personal Purpose

Find people whose personal purpose is similar to yours. When life purposes align, vision is more easily transferred. When your vision aligns with their purpose, they will have a natural, innate desire to help you fulfill it. – Johnny Walker, IntegrityATL

4. Share Genuine Excitement About The Vision

The best way to motivate and drive engagement toward a vision is for the leader to share genuine excitement about the vision and the path to realizing it. Clearly and concisely convey—in “sound bites”—what the vision looks like so that team members can easily talk about and share that vision. It is then critical to help each team member see how their contributions help the vision become reality. – Kristin Andree, Andree Group

5. Communicate The Reason For Change

Motivating others toward achieving a vision requires that you enlist both their brains and their hearts to lessen the potential resistance to change. Clearly communicate the reasons for the change and paint a picture of the future so that impacted employees can imagine the benefits of the change on their own careers and well-being. This will help them feel safer to successfully and sustainably adapt their behavior. – Vered Kogan,Momentum Institute

6. Paint Your Vision Vividly And Regularly

Successful CEOs paint their vision vividly and have regular conversations about the organization’s vision and values, highlighting common ground, sharing positive outcomes and benefits for all, and appreciating each person’s contribution to the organization. They understand that without each element functioning well and focused on “the destination,” it’s difficult to get where you want to go. – Lisa Marie Platske, Upside Thinking, Inc.

7. Connect What You Need From Them To Their Needs

People don’t work because they’re inspired. They work to feed their families. We’re all dialed into channel WIIFM (what’s in it for me?) If you want people to be productive, make clear the connection between what you want them to do and how it serves their needs. – Randy Shattuck, The Shattuck Group

8. Let People Play A Part In Creating The Vision

Give people the opportunity to play a part in creating the vision. One of the simplest ways to motivate people is to allow them to be a part of the company’s story. Your job as a CEO is to inspire others, and it’s important to make your team feel included. Give your employees plenty of opportunities to contribute their ideas, and you’ll see this responsibility turn into dedication. – Josephine Kant, Google for Startups

9. Share Your Personal Story To Help Others Relate

My advice to CEOs is to share their personal stories to share how similar they are to others. CEOs are often too unapproachable and so high up that there is a disconnection between them and the employees. If you focus on the commonalities, sharing human stories and emotions openly, you will inspire action. – Able Wanamakok, Find Your Voice Asia

10. Put Yourself In Your Audience’s Shoes

Try to put yourself in the shoes of your audience. Try to see things from their vantage point. Understand what motivates them and what could hold them back. Identify what rhetoric could drive behaviors aligned with the vision that needs to be executed. What do people need and want to hear for the job to get done? – Michele Cohen, Lead to Growth Coaching

11. Share The Creative Process With Your Team

The first step any leader must take to make their vision a reality is to share it. Talk openly about it and why this is your vision. The second step is to engage your team in coming up with innovative ways to achieve it. Too often, CEOs want to dictate the “how” when their role is to lead with the “why.” Engagement increases once others are part of the creative process. – Kathi Laughman, The Mackenzie Circle LLC

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