This post explains everything you need to know on how to become a great presenter, whether you would like to develop your skills to build a career in mass communications or enter the entertainment industry as an Actor, Pageant, TV Host, Emcee, or News Anchor. We will talk about the ins and outs of becoming a great presenter, as well as some insider tips and tricks from one of the best presenter in the industry.

Table of Contents

First off, what makes a great presenter?

A Great Presenter is someone who showcases the following :

1. Projects confidence

2. Develops a great connection with the audience in a short period of time

3. Engage throughout the presentation to keep the audience focused

4. Able to deliver the message in a clear and concise way that inspires a call-to-action

5. Most importantly, she/he get into the state of flow so there’s no further need to present 

What are the good qualities of an effective presenter?

1. Confidence.  It is how you deliver the speech and not the details of what you say that shows you are an effective leader.  

2. Story-telling Skills.  Story-telling helps your audience to relate their lives to yours and helps build connections.

3. Concise or Refined.  The way a speech is told is clear and easy-to-understand.

4. Varied Delivery.  Adding variety to the way the speech is presented grows engagement and retainment of information shared.  

5. Authenticity.  Allows your audience to feel the heart and soul of the speech and to be seen as real and true.  

6. Know your audience.  Knowing how to speak to your audience will allow for the message to be delivered and remembered.  

7. Passion.  Love for what you share allows you to inspire and motivate.  This will also increase message retainment by audience.  

8. Flow.  Expert speakers can flow their speech without consciously worry about the message.  Presenting and Speaking has become second nature so the flow will allow powerful connections and syncing of the message between speaker and audience.  

9. Self-Awareness.  It’s not about enhancement of ego for the speaker but to share, inform and connect the delivery of message for effective practical use that inspires action for the audience.  

What are the 4 methods of delivering a speech?

1. Memorization

The memorization method is a form of speech delivery that involves fully memorizing a speech, from start to finish, before delivering it. This method of delivery allows a speaker to move around the stage or platform and maintain eye contact with the audience without relying on a script or notes.

This is the most basic type of presentation method and is used when the presentation has a strict timeline or discourages cross engagement with audience.  

2. Manuscript

Manuscript speaking is the word-for-word iteration of a written message. In a manuscript speech, the speaker maintains his or her attention on the printed page except when using visual aids. The advantage to reading from a manuscript is the exact repetition of original words.

Mainly used by beginners who may feel uncomfortable on stage and a need to speak word-for-word to keep him or herself closed off to audience by focusing on visual aid.  This is the least engaging method of presentation and is not recommended.  

3. Impromptu 

Impromptu speaking is the presentation of a short message without advance preparation. Impromptu speeches often occur when someone is asked to “say a few words” or give a toast on a special occasion. You have probably done impromptu speaking many times in informal, conversational settings.

This method is more relaxed and recommended for short speeches only (6 minutes or less).  Planning on what to say with simple bullet points beforehand is recommended to present the message in a smoother or concise way.  

4. Extemporaneous

Extemporaneous speeches are developed through outlining ideas, not writing them out word-for-word. They are practiced ahead of time, rehearsed and re-rehearsed (extemporaneous speeches are not impromptu), using a keyword outline of single words and short, 3-5 word phrases.

This is the recommended type of presentation where a combination of the above are used.  There is an outline (or blue print) on what to say so the message is concise and thoughtful specifically for the targeted audience.  But the message is presented in a way leaving room to flow with the energy of the room as well as opportunity to interact with audience to create the best synergy within the space to maximize speaker’s influence and audience’s retention.

How to become a great presenter?

1. Project confidence

2. Develop a great connection with the audience in a short period of time

3. Engage throughout the presentation to keep the audience focused

4. Able to deliver the message in a clear and concise way that inspires a call-to-action

5. Most importantly, she/he get into the state of flow so there’s no further need to present 

Read More About Our EBook On The Step-By-Step Guide On How To Become A Great Presenter

What is Presenter Coaching or Presentation Coaching?

Presenter Coaching or otherwise known as Public Speaking Coach is when you enlist a public speaking trainer or professional presenter to coach you on how to present yourself more effectively through evaluation on your body language, facial expression, pace, pitch, volume, timbre and execution of speech before your official presentation in front of an audience.  

They can also help you to overcome fear and grow confidence to help you achieve your personal or professional goals.  

Why is Presenter Coaching or Presentation Coaching important?

Everyone communicates everyday through words, facial expressions and body language (verbal and non-verbal communications) and how you communicate showcases how likable you are, your level of knowledge and level of trust that others could invest in before development of a relationship.  

Relationship building is the foundation of any personal or professional growth and knowing how to speak in a casual or professional setting can set you apart in how you are perceived as a person which also influences how others will remember you.

Here are 10 reasons why you should improve your presentation or public speaking skills:

1. Grow in self-confidence

2. Grow in emotional intelligence (EQ)

3. Advance your communications skills (self or interpersonal)

4. Personal satisfaction or sense of accomplishment

5. Develop better relationships (personal or professional)

6. Grow your influence

7. Expand your network/connections

8. Improve critical thinking and organizational skills 

9. Career advancement

10. Chance to make an impact on others’ lives

What should my goals be if I hire a Presenter Coach?

Your goals should be to improve oneself, develop new skills that align with your specific goals.

1. To inform

2. To persuade

3. To entertain

4. To build connections

5. To develop self

Learn More About Our Confidence Mentorship Program Here

How can a presenter coach help me?

A Presenter Coach who has decades of experience like Able will be able to see your areas of focus and bring out the best style that is fitting for you and your goals.  

She would be able to help you understand yourself further while able to help you navigate the environment that had previously felt strange of uncomfortable to you.  

The analogy would be her standing beside you and guiding you to help you improve your goals one less fear at a time.  

What if I struggle with putting words down or writing my speech? Can A Presenter Coach help me?

Yes generally that is part of the coaching. And if you enlist Able as your Presenter or Public Speaking Coach, she will help you in areas that you and her both agree feels needed.

What you can get from a presenter coaching program

You will get:

  1. Step-by-Step on how to get started
  2. How to build a portfolio or Comp Card
  3. Insider insights on becoming a real artist
  4. Connections to help your kickstart your career
  5. Improve performing skills
  6. Further tips depending on your seriousness & efforts
  7. Improve communication skills
  8. Learning from Able Wanamakok who is an all-around artist
  9. Personal Experience (this can only be gained if you have gone through it because knowing an orange doesn’t mean you know how it tastes)
  10. 9. Connections (depending on the eagerness of the interviewee, tips on CV/resume will be shared and possibly connections)
  11. 10. 60-90 minutes of 1-on-1 time with Able Wanamakok

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Final Thoughts

It’s all about your mindset. If you have a positive attitude, everything else is just a work in progress.

What are you waiting for? Hoping and dreaming that you will do well is not the same as practicing. Practice does make for a higher chance of finally becoming a great presenter so start your Presenter Coaching program with us!

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